Friday, September 5, 2014

Stunning Bioshock Cosplay Photography

Stunning Bioshock Cosplay photography by Dim Horizon Studio, I am not sure how to put it on the word, but to make it simple, this is of of the most stunning Game Cosplay photography ever, i mean look at that awesome super detailed cosplay costume, or that pictures atmosphere, the lighting? or Their Makup that's look very real, everything just simple amazing, beside that their pose also can represent Big Daddy and Little sister role in Bioshock Game.

Somehow when i seeing this Stunning Bioshock Cosplay pictures, i can feel chemistry between that Big Daddy Cosplayer with that Little sister coser, but sadly i really don't know who't that two coser name, just leave your comment if you know something about them, well, my last word, although i never play Bioshock game but i know hows perfect this Bioshock Cosplay is, everything looks amazing here and i love it.

Vote this Bioshock Cosplay photography as your favorites Game Cosplay in this 7 Most Epic Game Cosplay page, maybe you don't want let other Epic Game Cosplay win :)
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