Anime Girls VS Real Girls
Ever imagine which one is better between Anime Girls VS Real Girl? for people who don't like anime might easily to decide which one is better, but for anime lovers like ME will be complicated to decide which better (at least it happened to me lol). after 80 years I thought about it, finally I can decide, Real Girls better than Anime Girls, because... two thing! first i can touch them, second they can pretend as anime girl XD, how about you? which one do you think is better, i've post some Anime Girls Vs Real Girls pictures that you can compare.
How is it? been able to decide? yea..yea I know it's hard to decide, because when i deciding it I feel like I've betrayed one of them Lol, if you have you opinion you better don't Forget to pulled expresses your opinion through polls that I've already prepared the Real Girls Anime Girls VS Page below.